Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10
Devotional: In today's noisy world, it's crucial to distinguish God's voice from the many competing voices. Pastor Hasani emphasized the difference between hearing and listening to God. Like Samuel, we need to cultivate a heart that says, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." Today, practice active listening in your prayer time. Instead of doing all the talking, spend time in silence, allowing God to speak to your heart. Ask Him to help you know His voice and give you the courage to obey what He says.
Reflection Question: How can you create space in your daily routine to actively listen for God's voice?
Prayer: Lord, in the midst of the noise and chaos of this world, help me to cultivate a heart that listens for Your voice. Teach me to create space for silence in my daily routine so that I can hear and discern Your guidance. Give me the courage to obey what You say. In Jesus' Name, Amen.