Reading: Hebrews 10:24-25, Philippians 2:3-4
Devotional: Our journey of Christlikeness is not meant to be walked alone. This mornings reading emphasizes the importance of community and serving others with humility. We are called to encourage one another, urge each other on toward love and good deeds, and look to the interests of others.
Reflect on your current relationships. Do you have truth-tellers in your life who love you enough to challenge you? Are you that person for someone else? Consider how you can serve others this week, putting their needs before your own. Remember, it's often in the act of serving that we experience profound transformation and reflect Christ's character most clearly.
Practical Steps:
1. Reach out to a friend or family member you trust and share a prayer request with them.
2. Look for an opportunity to serve someone today, whether through an act of kindness or offering help.
3. Reflect on Hebrews 10:24-25 and create a specific plan to connect meaningfully with your faith community this week.
Prayer: Jesus, show me how to serve others with humility and encourage those around me. Help me to be a true friend and community member, reflecting Your love. Amen.
If you missed Sunday's teaching that goes with the devotional, click the link to watch